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About Us

About 20 years ago a few friends began gathering on Sunday mornings to talk about their daily lives in a spiritual context. Their numbers grew and so they needed a larger place to meet. They called themselves Merging Hearts because when they were together, and even when they weren’t, they felt their hearts were merging. Soon after, Merging Hearts was incorporated as a nonprofit 501c3 and began meeting publicly.  


They continued their spiritual discussions on Sunday morning, naming the gathering “Enlightened Beings” (now Spiritual Roundtable) and started bringing new types of programming to the group. Merging Hearts became a hub of spiritual activity with book study, ceremonies, classes, and presentations by local practitioners. It has been one of the few organizations in NE Ohio to offer an annual Fire Walk. 


Merging Hearts has always been an entry point for people seeking spirituality. Along the way, they have added to their programming and now include topics such as recovery from trauma, self-defense, the healing arts, self-improvement, community gardening, cultural issues, and more. Today they continue to bring pertinent, timely topics to the Sunday morning spiritual discussions and they have a full schedule of events to enrich the individual, the community and the world.


Merging Hearts Spiritual Center is a non-profit 501-C3 offering opportunities to nurture the mind, heal the body and awaken the spirit. We host a variety of activities intended to educate, refresh and feed the soul.

A donation of $5 is suggested for most events and classes.

All donations are tax deductible. We invite you to join us as we gather to explore and enjoy the world, both seen and unseen. Choose from one of our regular gatherings such as our Sunday Spiritual Roundtable, monthly Healing Share, drum circle or one of our book study groups. We always have an exciting line up of special events from which to choose. CLICK HERE to see our full calendar of events.



Nancy Saulnier

Gloria McAllister

Appointed Advisors


2024 Board of Directors

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Steve Dallas
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Merging Hearts meets at Yoga Central, 4626 Cleveland Ave NW, Canton OH 44709
Copyright 2023 - Site Created by Mianna Morrison

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